I would be honored if you have agreed (even if only with parts of DYM) or have been interested to hear the true heart behind it….
I have tried to be as honest as possible here. (There may be areas that– I can’t see currently, that were dishonest–but I tried!)
I didn’t listen to this again before uploading it. I plan not to listen to it, (but maybe I will when I need help getting refocused on what I think is God’s heart is for DYM). I would be honored if you at some point were able to listen (though beware: my vulnerable heart is revealed in it).
I do sincerely ask that you would choose wisdom if you have feedback for me–or want to talk about this to others–as Jame 3:17 says: “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
Thanks and love,
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