Dear Husbands,

So grateful to have you here! There are so many audios to download on the website so I thought you’d love the 3 I would recommend you understand the most as they are ABSOLUTELY fundamental to seducing her! These audios are a wonderful way to get started on your journey to transforming your marriage. Seducing her and deeply connecting with your wife on a spiritual, physical, and emotional level is definitely a challenge. But I am honored to be with you as you take the first steps that will renew your passion and intimacy in and outside the bedroom.


Here are the audios for you to download. Enjoy!

Attract Her Back

How to Change A Controlling Wife

Transform to be easy-going: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3



When you click on the link to the audio, here’s how you can download or you can just hit play!



So excited for you to listen to these audios! If you want clarity on your specific relationship challenges, schedule a free Clarity Call and we’ll dive deep for 40 minutes ($500 value) and discover what are the obstacles blocking you from amazing intimacy. Schedule at

We publish a free podcast for you every week, to inspire and empower your intimacy—subscribe on iTunes here!