This podcast has changed my view of things in so many ways. I am a husband and I started listening bc I was looking for ways to better my marriage and to live the marriage I have always dreamed of.

Belah has a way of explaining things about how men think and act that I couldn’t even explain. She gives credibility to men’s feelings and instincts and actions that give men hope and makes us feel like we are normal and not just some dirty creature.

But, by listening to her various podcasts, I have learned so much more….like how to treat my wife better, how I am supposed to treat her, what she wants, how to effectively make changes in my marriage, how to give, how to take action, how to incorporate faith statements….I could go on and on.

And yet Belah has a humility about her where she clearly knows what she is talking about, but doesn’t act like a know it all. She’s human and she shows that side.

My wife has listened to some at my requests and she told me it really opened her eyes and It all makes total sense but no one ever explained it to her like Belah can.

We have a ways to go, but I have never been more optimistic about my wife and I’s future together.

Thanks you for what you do Belah! You are really doing meaningful work!