Anne and Glen lived in a blissful honeymoon state at the beginning of their relationship, until their relationship quit growing and grew stale. They described it as being stuck in winter.


Anne felt like intimacy was an obligation and sex felt forced. She did not feel emotionally connected and he did not feel physically connected, so the suffering began…. and stayed for over two decades. 


The power of a praying wife… God touched Glen and caused him to start a journey to better himself and turn his marriage around.

He stumbled upon a Delight Your Marriage podcast and shortly afterward signed up for Masculinity Reclaimed. 


In fact, at 3am God prompted him to sign up… and he’s glad he did!


He discovered how to date his wife again, how to connect deeper, how to forgive, and how to be vulnerable in his marriage. Not only did Anne begin to notice the changes, but so did their daughter and son!


The trickle effect continued when Anne decided to take the Delight Your Marriage, Intimate Freedom course. She gained confidence in herself and for the first time in a long time, intimacy was fun! She found her femininity and felt like she could truly be herself because the emotional trust was there.


She challenges us listeners: if you are not going forward, you are going backward. It is your choice. 


Tune in to hear this amazing testimonial. It will inspire faith–no matter how long your marriage has been “this way” it can change!





PS If you’d like to join the free masterclass coming up March 25 for men or the other one for women, go to (It’ll be free for a limited time)

Enrollment period for Intimate Freedom and Masculinity Reclaimed classes that Anne & Glen took are coming up so, when you sign up for the masterclass ( you’ll get all the details!



Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast. You’re joining me belah rose as I dive deep into the beauty, power and truth about intimacy, learn not only the practicals, but the heart behind what making love is all about. delight your marriage. All right, and welcome. Thank you for joining. Oh my gosh, today’s conversation is so fun. I’ve got an and Glenn on and their story is, is just so cool. First of all, they’re married 28 years, and they share the 26 of those years was suffering and and then I got grace. Glen went on a journey and God touched his life and any went through the masculinity reclaimed program. And because he changed in such dramatic ways, his wife decided she too was going to do the intimate Freedom program. Now, yes, this is a testimonial. And I kind of grappled with the idea of am I sharing too many testimonials. And, you know, I was reading an X the other day, and it talks about the testimony of Jesus causes there to be faith. I mean, it was an example I can’t remember the exact quote, but basically, because people are sharing about how their lives are transformed by God’s grace. faith grows. And so why would I deny you my wonderful listener of your faith growing so whether or not you decide this is the right program, or either of the programs are for you. I think the fact that you hear people’s marriages transforming after decades of suffering, it is worth a listen. And not only that, but Glen and and both share some things that specifically helped them. So again, no matter where you are in your marriage, if you are suffering from, you know, maybe your wife is disinterested in sex, maybe your husband is causing you to feel pressured and unsafe, I think you’ll get a lot out of their conversation. And the coolest thing is that not only did this affect their intimacy, and in a dramatic, beautiful, powerful way, but it’s also allowing them to impact others in a better way. So even their own kids. They talk about their daughter really being like I love these changes and dad. And at some point in the conversation, their son jumps in and in talks about it too, is all have that at the end. So it’s just so cool. What has happened in their lives, and it is definitely worth you getting encouraged and inspired by what they have to share. Alright, let’s go ahead. And oh, before before we do dive in, I want to invite you to the masterclass. So for men and women that’s coming up at the very end of March, march 25, is when that releases, I need you to get on the list ahead of time, so that you don’t miss it. Because it’s only going to be available for about a week. So you want to get in you want to be at the very beginning. So you’ll get every lesson that’s released, there’s some really cool interaction, you know, I’ve got some interactive things, so that it can be as impactful for you in your life as possible. And during that enrollment, the enrollment period is going to open for both the men’s and the women’s program. So if you want to go ahead and sign up for the masterclass whether you’re a woman or a man, this is going to be super easy. I’m just going to send you to the delight your link. And if you’re a husband, click on the husbands. If you’re a wife, click on the wives, and you’ll get right in. Alright, well, I am so excited. God bless you. And let’s dive in

first of all, can I ask you what would you say were the biggest challenges in your marriage? Before the masculine or you’ve reclaimed program?

Okay, so for me, my biggest challenges at the time was connecting with it. Because we were just kind of living and you don’t realize where you’re at? I would say you’re going through the motions I was describing and it’s like, a relationship is like, as I said, seasonal you know spring and summer you meet fall, exciting fall eventually hits and then you set into a little bit of winter. And we had been in winter for quite a while and it was uncomfortable.

And how long were you married?

28 At the time,

yeah, we’re eight years,

nine years. So I would say for 26 years, we went through this phase,

we were in a honeymoon for about seven years. So let’s say some time was really good.

But in that time, it’s complicated, right? So I would just go through the motions of life, and we would fill our own needs as we could. She was filling herds, I was telling filling mine, it was uncomfortable. And I would even say at times, while she’ll say to is that the going to bed would be like, obligation, I’m going to be an obligations, intimacy moment, or for sex would be uncomfortable for her. And being a guy, I didn’t quite connect with that concept. I didn’t see it. I was blind to it and like, boom, but as I’ve learned the bedroom is a direct relationship to the state of your marriage. Ah,

awesome. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well,

back then.

Oh, oh, from all from other people’s perspective. They, they I know, they looked at us as a really good couple. I mean, I project a very happy view of life. I’m very outgoing. And and I, but really, we were both suffering, in our own way, for a long time, and moving apart, moving apart far, but I would have made it I would have made it work, just because of who I am. You know, I wouldn’t have just

and what would you say for you were the biggest challenges. And

I would say that sex felt very forced. I wasn’t, I did not feel like I was being seen for me, because I knew he was watching porn. And he, I just disappeared, I got very small. And my bigness was only out there in my work in my commitment with the youth group, those kinds of things. And our kids, I don’t think they ever recognize the suffering that we were going through. Yeah, we hate God, our children are,

that was the best thing we ever did.

I’m really, really good. But um, I just, I was really, really suffering, just dying inside. And he was suffering in his own way. And I didn’t understand it at all. But as we go through the principles that you teach, and the work that we’ve done in our other relationship programs, this aspect is really the the clinching key, if we don’t understand the needs of the other one, then all that other, whatever counseling or whatever podcast you listen to, it’s really not going to drive home into the heart. And that’s what I’ve come to understand at the core. But I loved him, but I did not like him back then. Yeah. Oh,

it was really interesting, because I’m going through these motions. And I had the best intent, right? Oh, my God, oh, we came together. And we had our differences. And we had our friends, different friends would come together. So we had all these exciting contributions. Friends, you’ve had marriages, you bought a home. We had a career children came, they were all stimulating and moving us along a path. But we stopped growing, we just plateaued. And I think you could say we kind of both fell into our own little books are like family of origin and our life experiences in the intimacy area. So we’re just kind of moving along. I had a certain skill set that I was able to use, and it wasn’t good enough to communicate to my wife. And interestingly, when I think about it, I go when I got married, or when we had children. You didn’t get a download. Right? You don’t get married and say I do and you’re like, ooh, like matrix, you know, download into. It just was this blind stumbling? Uh huh.

I have to say that was literally an honest All Glory to God. Because I prayed for this man. I prayed for our marriage. 15 years, rosaries rosaries Lord is in your hands. Give him an authentic experience of yourself. And then when this all came to the head, and we had a horrible, dark space when everything was out in the open I had a friend Come over and prayed over him. And he turned into a whole different new creation. And a way went that particular demon. But then we had to pick up the pieces over again. And then I had to grow to trust changes that he was making was real I had to

be, which was hard, because you know, I’m making these changes in these, these movements. And I got the same response, which kind of indigo See, we’re not changing. We’re not moving pieces. And I was trying and moving forward, but then there is because you are waiting for me to be committed to the change. It was hard for me to keep going because sometimes it wouldn’t be positive feedback. Right? Yeah, positive feedback.

From my perspective, it sounds like, you know, and it was hard for you to trust these changes. And so you weren’t necessarily doing the positive feedback. And Glenn was feeling like, am I, you know, is this going to work? Because I’m not getting that positive feedback, but it’s just and needed time to be able to trust these changes were real.

Absolutely. That’s kind of where I was.

That where you were going, Glenn? Yeah. Got it. Is there anything else? Yeah. No, I think that’s awesome. Well, what, what would you say? Glen, um, were some of the biggest takeaways from from masculinity reclaim. What would you think?

Well, um, what I thought, well, let me back. Can I back up just a second? Yes, me in this journey was once we had our, our enlightenment moment, and we had to make change, I decided to move forward. So it’s kind of like how I found Mr. was, I started reading the books. I did, like 20 or 30 books. I knew thing. I didn’t master them. Right, you till you’re blue in the face. I just did. Kindle. I’d read one then download another and another. And then I started doing podcasts. And I would take the dog for a walk just to listen to all these podcasts. And that’s when I stumbled dBm. And I started thinking, Hmm, this is good. I connect. And for me, I thought I think it was like 99 was like the three biggest thing a man wants an intimate Yeah. Is that the right? Okay. Yep. Yeah. And so I’m like, Okay, I’m learning a lot. This is coming together. Bill Bella’s really locking me in. I now just need to give this an and she will get better.

I was really contrary.

I was confused. On your website. I saw the Mr. Course. And I found out about it. And I thought, well, what, what do I need to do? Why do I need to do anything? So that’s when I listened to your three day thing. Your little introduction? And yeah, yeah, that was the AHA class. Really? Ah, oh, gosh, it well, curious. I’ve sat through your your presentation. And I went to bed. And believe it or not, I woke up at 330 in the morning, randomly. And I just said, sign up. Holy Spirit. I said, why shouldn’t I do some type of personal growth because what I’m doing is not getting me. You know, further along in our relationship, I was like she said she saw some growth, but she wasn’t sure. And I said, I need to do something different. To solidify that I’m really trying. And this course looked like the right thing. And surprise, surprise, it was the right thing. Because when I I jumped in, and it was a little nerve wracking at first, right, you’re just introduced to a lot of dudes and it’s really fun at the end because you learned and meet a lot of nice guys, but for me your course it taught me how to date my wife again. How to connect with her the way I should be connecting. Interestingly, it’s it taught me forgiveness. He got me roses. Yes, I got it. So I had to learn to forgive her for what I felt was, you know, was not what I wanted. And then I realized I had to be in a state of gratitude and be a happier person, because, I guess you know, living on a happier spouse, not a grumpy spouse. So I kind of started moving back. I know the class was great. The big takeaway for me was two things. Number one vulnerability. I’m a dude. And I remain and I didn’t really feel comfortable going into that realm at first. Quiet. As we move through your modules in the course work, I’m like, Okay, I see where this is supposed to go. And funny, though, is, is the next phase of, of this conversation we were having in the relationship we were building, I started seeing, as she spoke earlier about fruits of the Spirit, you know, and being a kinder, gentler person, where I wasn’t gentle, and have more joy and peace, right? And for her, those were solid words. For me, it’s the sound of like, Christmas time, right? Oh, I could be

real me and really, really, really,

I’m learning. What What was fascinating to me in this journey, what standing that let me see. A man has to connect emotionally with his wife to get his physical needs met. What a wife have to connect physically with her husband, to get her emotional needs. And that rang true to me. And I want endless physical intercourse. A woman wants a motional course. Oh, I need to work on my emotional connection with her

family. I’m so glad you the mature man is so immature, masculine, he’s not gonna be able to provide that. And that’s what happened before. That’s what was before I understand. So yeah. You understand?

That’s awesome. That’s so good. Glenn. Well, and I’m curious, what did you see as the changes as he’s going through? And you knew he was going through this course from the get go? Right?

Yes. And I was really out, as I said, a couple podcasts. But I trusted him at that point to make whatever, whatever work he wanted to do. I really didn’t know what it was. And I didn’t listen to a podcast for a while just because I didn’t. But I saw even from a family standpoint, our daughter notice a difference. Wow, huge Dad, Mom, what’s with dad,

my daughter actually called me on the road going home after the holidays, which was odd. And she said, Dad, I want to thank you for being who you were over the holidays, because whatever you’re doing, I totally appreciate the changes that you’re doing. Like and she’s

three years old. I would say that I felt that. He was gentler. He was calmer. He was more for me. present president from emotional standpoint is what I noticed. It wasn’t this. I didn’t the selfish intent, Mee Mee, Mee Mee Mee which felt like the whole, whatever time before all this happened. And he I wrote this down, he demonstrated a heartfelt desire to break the patterns in his behavior that were causing pain and turmoil and affected the family as a whole. He was so he applied himself with such perseverance. And he would be in hours writing the answers to your question, with really working hard to get that down when she’s always been a hard working when he sets his mind to something he dives in. But in this particular instance, besides the fact that we’re healed, I really think that you have deep healing for his family of origin from this. And the fact that he’s come to understood who he is in the eyes of God and an important position he plays in our marriage being fruitful to the world. And

what’s interesting, too, is having a what you taught about having a purpose as a husband, I also kind of had to balance the your teaching with my family of origin because I’m like, Okay, what’s my purpose? Well, what did my dad do? You know, and I had this dad training and he had a whole family of origin and it wasn’t as good as it should have been. And so I had to kind of work through that and then find a true purpose and then you start having reasons to be a better person and your class gave me purpose and reason. And then I got The answers, cuz I came asking for answers. And I didn’t have any. But after the coursework, I’m like, oh, no, I know it was great. Awesome. Thank you, Scott.

I also wrote, I felt like he came in touch with his own giving and generous heart that he almost discovered it that we really didn’t even know he had it before. Um, but you see, and he was stepping in as protector and guide as God wants him to be, which I have longed for, for a long time. Um, and then this thought came to me because I was writing down. And biggest takeaway for me was my responsibility love him well, as a wife that struck a chord, just just from a neurological standpoint, I began to understand that this and all of this is with grace, of course, only God can make these changes in our heart. And reflecting on all of it, it occurred to me that heartfelt sexual intimacy for him is really the only place he can be vulnerable by nature of his masculinity. Where else in a man’s life, can he learn vulnerability, if not in the naked arms of his wife? The world doesn’t offer that. So the beauty and the wonder and the brilliance of what God intended for a marriage, and it’s just so sad that people aren’t taught this. It’s not part of wedding preparation and the Christian or Catholic Nowhere. Nowhere do they talk about it.

It’s interesting, independently. I had read and kind of zeroed in on that statement. Men have to connect emotionally with their wives to get physical needs met. And she’s saying like the same thing. It’s kind of cool. Yeah.

Yeah, that’s amazing. Oh, that is awesome. Um, okay. Let me ask you this. Glenn. Did you see changes in and while you were implementing these things? As you were changing? Did you say and changing during Mr.

Oh, yeah. I would have to say there was a lot of good changes. Thanks, my. Let’s just say the state of the bedroom is a good place now. That’s good. But there’s also just the connection. We started talking things through, I felt listened to and heard. And I think that’s because I was starting to communicate in a way that she felt heard was kind of cool. I mean, the tools you were given me, I was able to execute. And then I started seeing the positive responses. So she responded, in tenfold. Wow. Yes. Yes.

And now I have to say it’s really fun. There was a time he would buy me beautiful Andre, beautiful things gorgeous bodices. And what do they call this thing? Yeah, everything? Yes, yes. Yeah. But I never felt. I mean, there were times I put it on, and I just wanted to disappear. And now it’s a completely different thing. Now. It’s something I enjoy. And I brought out some fun new things. And it’s fun. I’m getting attached to my own femininity and my own sexuality in a safe space. Because the trust is here again. And he’s becoming the man God intended him to be all along. Just amazing. Wow. You are amazing, Bella. Now you are you are just the fact I’m just so thankful that you responded to the Holy Spirit’s, I’m sure you’ve been through a lot trying to make this program grow and go and organize and you know, you’ve been through it. We don’t even know the mug you’ve had to trudge through, but it’s been worth every single stop. I’ll tell you, you’re making a difference in people’s lives.

Can I interject some cuts for me. I started your program, and not knowing what to expect, you know, you gave multiple modules. And as we moved through the modules, you know, I would still kind of move around your website, and I started seeing some of your other courses you offered. And then what just worked out was really cool, for us at least was I was receiving positive feedback for the work I was doing and she was appreciating it. And then I found your intimate freedoms course, and it looked interesting and with the positive growth we were getting went through, I offered it up to her, I said, Would you be willing to spend some time in this class to help me feel like I’m being hurt? Because I bet you there’s something in there that would help us. And so it was cool that she took the class. And she started giving me feedback on what she was learning. And I was like, yes, yes, that’s what I want. It was like the podcast 99 or whichever one it was. I was like, Oh, my gosh, she’s learning about those things. Now, I was listening to him on a dog walk, trying to figure out how am I going to get my wife and I together, and now I took a class to build me up. And she willingly took her class that lifted her. And she grew. And I grew. And we had some pretty cool times.

Yeah. So I was I was willing to do it, because I saw the impact that made on him. And if he’s, and he really applied himself, he persevered. I could see it, he spent hours working with you, probably before the class, I don’t even know. But then, of course, I was going to reciprocate. Of course, I would reciprocate in an effort to because we weren’t. And I want a magnificent life. I’ve already told them that. I’ve always told them that. But how are we going to get there, and we learned about masculine feminine energies and alignment and teamwork and all these other tools, I’m going

to tell you how you’re going to get this you’re going to get there. If the if you are thinking of Mr. Masculine, reclaim class, you take it and you will lift yourself and you will lift your wife and you will then have a awesome relationship moving forward.

Sure, absolutely. gratitude. Gratitude hearts and you know, swelling hearts. That’s it and being in tune with the gospel and what God wants us to do what the Lord wants to bring into our marriage.

Yes, yes. Awesome. Awesome. And and do you want to? Let me ask you this real quick? Would you have done intimate freedom had Glenn not done Mr. First?

It would have been hard for me to do that. Because of the deep space it is for women in that sexuality and openness and opening to feel safe that would have I probably would have wanted to, but I thought no way. I would think you know what, he’s not meeting me.

They’re not hitting my emotional needs is not sharing the journey. Oh,

yeah, that would have been hard. It’s an excellent class, it should be both should be done by anybody who’s about to get married, for one thing. And at any point in your marriage, if you’re broken, we all have different ways in our relationship. But this will help to heal all the others. Because if you feel like you’re completely aligned in that oneness that God wants our marriages to be, then of course, the other things will be easier to get through. But if you’re having a protective on small feeling, then they’re just so much harder to muscle through and resolve to forgive and move forward.

It’s funny because I didn’t feel broken. I felt complete. But after taking the modules and moving through the course, I was like, I am a little broken. So yeah,

and therein lies your strength, my designs are showing love. That’s the truth. That is the absolute truth. You can certainly bring in your marriage by doing this, even if your partner isn’t even if your partner doesn’t like if I was resistant, maybe I would have needed another six months for him to really show me that I’m, I’m in a safe place, that he is going to be this new person and it’s not just I read this book, and now I’m going to do this for three weeks and then I’m back to my old indiscretions. It was still worth it. And it’s really great to get to know other women talk about a very important topic from around the country. You’ll never meet them. You’re perfectly safe. We perfectly confidential, but you’re touching on a topic that is so personal and feeling free to do so. Answering questions and things. So it’s great. You know, that’s God’s movement, everything at the right time. So here’s my message to you whoever is listening to this or watching it, you’re not here by some happenstance. God has a message and a purpose and something that he wants to bring to you and your marriage or you wouldn’t be listening to this, I really do believe that 100% This is the way the Holy Spirit moves. So don’t be afraid that was really nice. She’s not gonna make her do you know, like, 100 pages and all this other guy read this book and come back.

I’ve never woken up at 330 in the morning and said, sign up for that class. Why I did, I just woke up. We had like

a two minute it was like 220 at at two minutes for Eastern Time, this post

sign up, that was pretty funny.

Wow. That’s amazing. What really what have we created our being is so by our family of origin, and then how we’ve decided to try and protect and move forward in our adult lives and we carry some of the same just they don’t serve us anymore. We aren’t living under that house anymore. We have another house and then our own families, but we have to, you know, prayer is a big part that then just growth and finding programs like this. You’re either going up or something back. There’s no in between. relationship with God. relationship with that him. I’m either moving there or not. Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Good. This is awesome. Well, I’m so 28 years married. I’m big fight God’s greatest transformation. Um, what is exciting you moving forward? Would you say if you can share that was a, I didn’t warn you on this question. But what how are you feeling about moving forward? Go ahead.

Well, I think God has something really special planned for us in the influencing of other people’s lives in a certain way. I don’t know what that is. So I’m waiting for that answer. And I just like, the freedom I’m feeling and how much fun we’re having an intimacy and wearing beautiful things and like, we’re looking through the same lens now. Not he’s got his and I’ve got mine, we’re really kind of looking out the window and what this world is and what we can bring to it. And, you know, really teen?

I was what would you say I was saying? I think the the most exciting part of this is the communication factor. And knowing now that having done all the work to forgive and gratitude and being vulnerable, those little pieces, having built those up, I now have the confidence that the communication moving forward is going to be shared and appreciated and accepted. And we’re going to move step by step will solve whatever comes. But I know we’ll get it done because we have a great foundation now.

That’s incredible. Incredible. And you know, and I didn’t mean to ask you one other question is around the fact that you knew Glenn was taking this course? Was there an element of skepticism? Um, that he was going into this course did you feel like oh, he’s just doing this for sex? Was there that kind of in the mix?

I think there was a moment where I thought, oh, boy, what is this woman about? Like, she like, you know, here we go some more demand relationship of how I’m supposed to be to make him happy and to get him a blowjob or to do this or move there. Do that. But I heard I am not kidding you. For so long. You know, I gave it to God in prayer for years and years and years, but I literally heard let me do it my way. That download I heard let me do it my way. Just release and let me do it my way. So I’m like, Okay, God, you go. So yeah, I initially there’s probably this but very quickly, it was let it do let me do it my way. And so I was inspired to groove over it and worry about it.

Yeah, awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. And the point I wanted to kind of take out from from what you mentioned, and it’s almost this, like, yes, you you have done intimate freedom course and you’re incredible and the ladies love you and I love you and it’s just amazing and the But the truth of the matter is you wouldn’t have done it had. Glen not completely changed and the healing not have taken place like that. You wouldn’t have done. I say this because there are so many men that come to me and say, I’ve done all this stuff. There’s, she just will not done it. Like, wow. But that’s right. You know,

I was too. I was too I was would have been too afraid I was too protected and too enclosed into Yeah, would have been I might have listened to that’s not happening. I would just

I may even

add to the lead you guys as men are just such the leaders. This is in the protectors and the guides. And so we will open up if we feel that

to every relationship is at a different space. And there’s a different foundation each one so as I was building up, I got lucky I happen to have enough there that she said, Okay, I believe you I feel safe chairs are no. Oh, sign up, she probably said. And she probably even said if I don’t like it. I’m bailing. Right.

Well, I gotta say that, but I will say this, that it takes humility, you know you prayer for I don’t let your pride down for the women and the men. I don’t know at all. I don’t know at all. I can grow in my even in my adulthood, and I can change I can become better me. It’s possible. But we hold on so tight. To old belief patterns and behaviors. It’s really, really hard. But really the man, the influence, as God created it to be for him to be the lead. It’s so pivotal. It’s pivotal. Incredible.

I agree. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Okay. So, um, two final things are, well, just wrap any, any kind of final thoughts that you wanted to make sure you got out there. For someone listening.

Just do it, gentlemen. You owe it to yourself, you want a magnificent life, then you’ve got to take some, be brave, be brave, and take the class. And then pour yourself into it and pray along the way that you can let go and become that he will make it clear to you what it is really, that you are, where you can improve, where you’re missing the boat, and then be very, very patient with her. Because I don’t know what your history is, is anything like mine, she needs patience. She needs time. She needs consistent demonstration that your heart is is real in this. And then you just wait. All kinds of fun things are coming. Surprise, different identities and Oh, dear.

That’s why I thought that’s why I thought that everybody’s foundation is different at a different level. That’s why it’s thinking, you know, I got lucky, she took the course. I took my course we grew. And I wanted I wanted the physical connection and I wanted it to be, you know, close. And that’s when I realized, as I said, I had to take the emotional work seriously to get her to accept me and make that physical connection. Right. So yeah, I’d say join in do the emotional work show appreciate it. Y’all appreciate if you grow, she grows and your relationship just blossom

or your family’s going to be affected. It affected our daughter, and they were kinda they’re very similar. So they tended to do this a lot. And the fact that she has opened up in that regard to him, and it’s a miracle. It’s a miracle. So you’re intended to be listening to this, you’re in tended to take action with this if you’re listening.

Amazing. Well, and you know, if you’re if you’re open to it, this is also a surprise, but I’m curious if you would kind of imagine a husband or a wife or a full couple, you know, listening to this, would you and they were in the same spot that you were in? Would you be willing to pray for them? I know you’re such a prayer warrior. Would you be willing to pray for them on this?

Okay. Well, okay, Lord Jesus, I just would pray now for your Children and marriage who are struggling, that you would send your Holy Spirit into their hearts that they would recognize how deeply, deeply loved they are by you, and truly how deeply they love each other. And there’s all this muck in distraction and pollution that had gotten in between them. And I would just pray that you would remove that with your hand. Give them the courage to move forward in their relationship and to the healing that you offer. And through Bella’s words and her curriculum and her program, that they would truly become the light of the world that you intend them to be in their marriage, that their fear would be removed with regard to this. That they can relax and just listen and grow and let you lead them as you want to. Because the whole world will be a better place because of it. We thank you Lord in Jesus name. Hey, man. Bella, this is

lovely parents your dad, you’ve done great thing.

You’re so generous and all the things that you said. So thank you.

We mean, we definitely mean it.

Amazing, thank you so much, Glen, and and just a beautiful story. Praise God. And yeah, so I would love you to have that story. First step is to take the free masterclass, why not give yourself to the material that could very well change your marriage. And whether you’ve got an incredible marriage already, it could encourage you further. And if you’re suffering, do it, just do it. And not only that, but we all know people who need help, they need hope for their marriage, this is the perfect opportunity to send them a link and say, Listen, I don’t know if this is going to help you. It made me think of you. I’d love for you to check it out. And just send them the link to delight your I’ve tried my best to make it as simple as possible. So you don’t have two different links. It’s just one link you go to and you click whether you’re a woman or a man, you sign up. That’s it. You’re in delight your All right, God bless you. I’m so excited. It’s coming up at the end of the month, March 25. So March, mark your calendars. Get on the list ahead of time to make sure you get access to it. They’re interactive, which is exciting. I’ve done a lot of work on the back end to really make this a significant experience for you. So let me pray for your God. I thank you for the person listening. I think you that you care about them, you care about what’s going on for them. You know the details of their situation, and you are not done with them yet. And they don’t have to be despairing. Because if they are breathing, there is hope for change and transformation just like Anna and Glen. Give them the grace to understand what the next step is for them. In Jesus name, amen. God bless you and I’ll see you on the inside delight your Talk to you soon. Bye