Struggle in marriage but God had a plan

This is Part II of my interview with Jen Smith of Unveiled Wife! (Hear Part I of her interview DYM Episode 6: Heartache Transformed Through Uncomfortable Honesty.)

Jen reveals the common product she had been using that caused incredible pain during sex. She also shares about how the specific challenge they faced in marriage brought them closer to God. She gives three specific habits that saved her marriage.

Marriage and advice podcast

What You’ll Discover:

    • What the 3 major things that saved her marriage.
    • How her friends were so vital in her marriage transformation.
    • How husband bashing is not God-honoring.
    • Why she writes for Unveiled Wife, her heart for marriage.
    • How a bad marriage inhibits you for helping others.
    • Details you wouldn’t expect she’d share about her marital intimacy.
    • Read an excerpt from her book.

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  • God is in control and we need to allow Him the freedom to transform us.
  • When you experience that freedom in Christ in your marriage, it stimulates so much desire for seeing others succeed.
  • When we step out of our comfort zone to serve our husbands and to anoint them with our love, it’s a beautiful thing.
  • You have to give those offenses and heart issues in your marriage back to God.
  • When you get married it tests your character, the same is true when having a child.
  • Today’s culture has done a good job of trying to isolate each other. And I’m challenging that.

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Want your marriage Episode Seven.

Welcome to the delight your marriage podcast, the show where you hear from amazing and inspiring wives sharing their struggles, triumphs, and advice for this journey called marriage. Here’s your host, belah rose.

Hello, and welcome. I’m so grateful that you’re here today. And I just want to take a moment and acknowledge you for taking the time to invest in your marriage. I believe this is the most important relationship in your life, aside from your relationship with God, and you are taking the time to really dig deep and understand and recognize how important it is. So great work. And I’m really looking forward to the second half of this interview with Jen Smith. So if you haven’t listened to the first half of the interview, that’s episode six. And just go ahead and click on that one, you’ll want to hear that because she gives her story about her marriage and the hard things they’ve gone through, especially with sexual intimacy. But the second half is really focused on what she learned through that struggle, what the three major things were that saved her marriage. And lastly, I mentioned this on the last episode, she talks about something that literally was a product she was using, that significantly made an impact in her sexual intimacy. I was shocked. It’s something that you might be using too. So definitely listen in. At the end of the interview, I give my in depth look at Jen’s new book, and I read a little excerpt. And it’s pretty cool, I think you’re going to enjoy it. You know, I did do theater when I was in high school. So you’ll have to listen in for my theatrical reading. Let me know how it goes. Okay, here’s Jen. So I want to hear about how your marriage is now and kind of what’s come out of this the struggle.

Okay, for for those listening, I just want to make this really well known. Our marriage is not perfect. I think sometimes when we see people online or even on stage or in front of us, and they look so happy, it can seem like they have a perfect life. And then that discontentment roots in your heart. And I know because I’ve been there, and I’ve struggled with that perception of people. Once you get to know them, you realize quickly, nobody’s marriage is perfect. There’s no such thing as a perfect marriage. Because again, we have a need for a Savior, this world is falling, and Finn just is ripping people apart. And so I just want to be real honest with you and say that me and my husband struggle on a daily basis with different things still. And we’re a lot better now with because we’ve learned how to communicate through our issues. And we we’ve had a lot of help in, you know, from friends coming to us saying, Hey, we see this in your marriage. And we just want to know if you’re okay. And so we’ve been kind of going through this process of transformation of how to be a husband and wife. But it doesn’t mean that we’re perfect, we still, you know, we still struggle, but we are very much well off now than when we started. And I think because the the three years of turmoil that we went through, had we just avoided God and never went back to him. We would not be married, and I don’t know where our lives would be right now. But I know I’d be miserable. I know that I know that I would have so much pain and resentment towards God, for what happened but because we were able to draw close to Him, even despite our hurts, I think that really saved our marriage. And, and it takes time over the years to grow closer to one another, you know, to grow closer to your husband. And that’s taken me a long time to realize because I had kind of going into marriage as a, you know, going into becoming a wife. I think me and my I mean, my at the time fiance were infatuated with one another. And and then we get married and it’s like who are you, you know, and you want to point the finger and blame them because you feel almost deceived. But the reality is when you’re in such close proximity with someone else, you’re gonna see them for who they really are. And you can’t let that offend you. You can’t let that hurt you even though it will at times you have to give those offenses and hard heart issues back to God and tell him say this is really frustrating me. How can we change how can we move forward? And so so that’s where we’re at right now we’re still learning how to communicate with one another and be respectful but we’re really happy in our marriage and we’re we’re we’re finding so much fulfillment and the purpose that God has for us you know, and especially coming into this child rearing season of having a two year old and now in almost, you know, baby is on the way we Know that God is going to challenge us and test us in even more ways than we already have been through. Because I think that children have the same kind of I don’t know what it’s called reflection or something, but because when you get married, when you get married, you know, it’s, it’s really hard because it tests your your faith in your character. And then the same thing happens when you have a child because you start doing things that you don’t necessarily want to do or know how to do or, you know, want to do a different way. So it’s just a very big learning process or learning curve that just helps us and if we go to God, you know, a daily basis, he’ll help us. I truly believe that.

Yeah. Yeah, that’s awesome. Well, would you share? What do you think the three biggest things are that you feel have been central to your marital success?

I think absolutely. Number one is having God at the center. And for me, that didn’t happen very easily, because I still had a lot of hurt feelings towards God. But just going to him and saying, and communicating to him, Why feel frustrated. So, you know, if my husband was talking mean to me that day, or I felt that way, I would go to God and say, I’m so frustrated, because this isn’t this. And then ask him for peace. And so it can be really short, it can be really small. But start there start through prayer and asking God to help you. I believe that that was number one, like, very vital for our marital success was going to God in prayer, individually, but also together, my husband would pray over us. And then eventually I started praying to, for our relationship and just submitting our relationship to God and asked him what he wants done with us. And I think the other thing was reading His word, and knowing His truth, and making sure that I wasn’t just coming up with my own truth. Because sometimes we do that to justify our behavior, you know, we want to be right. And we want to be the one that knows how to handle things and have that control. But we have to realize that we we don’t got God is in control. And we need to allow him the freedom to transform us. And then the third thing was community, having people whether it’s like I said, one friend, or several, that walk alongside you, they keep you accountable. You give them permission to speak into your life, if they see you guys bickering, or fighting or, you know, doing things that don’t honor God. And then you, you know, come together and you you respect one another. I think that, for us, the friendships and the community that we had, they cried with us, they laughed with us, they, I feel like emotionally carried us at times. So, so prayer, drawing closer to God, reading his truth and understanding his truth, and building community, I think are the three things that really saved our marriage.

I love that. And it sounds like in you’re talking about community, it sounds like these are people that really are for your marriage that really want you guys to succeed and thrive, you know, they’re not going to be the ones to say like, You’re kidding me. He did?

Well, no, and the point, and the point, when you come together, just to like, clarify is not to talk bad about your husband, it’s to talk about the issues at hand. And so that’s really important, because sometimes I do talk about, you know, go get a girlfriend and talk about your marriage, and people take it the wrong way. It’s like not to husband bash, that is not acceptable. And it’s not God honoring, but it’s just to talk about the issues at hand. And most of the time, you end up talking about yourself and what God’s doing in you. But it really is, it really is so vital, I believe, God, you know, talks about the body for a reason, we all need each other. And I think this today’s culture really does a good job of trying to isolate one another. And we’ve accepted that for a really long time. But I’m, I’m challenging that.

You know, and to clarify, when you say body, you’re talking about the body of Christ. So the church people involved, okay, awesome. I completely agree with the community thing. And it’s funny, I was hanging out with a friend last night who’s also married, and I said, you know, I want to share something with you. But you know what, I’m not sure if my husband would be okay with it. And she’s like, Well, don’t tell me. And it was, it was perfect. Exactly. It was a it was a very gentle but like putting me back on track. Okay, that’s true. I, you know, and it’s the easiest thing I can easily go ask my husband would you be okay, if I told my friend about this? And he might even say yes, no problem. Um, but it’s, it’s, it’s something we all need to kind of keep on track and keep that transparency between you and your husband. That’s the most important and then secondarily, these other relationships to even support your marriage. So I just love that.

Yeah. And you had mentioned that, you know, these people are really for your marriage. And I said, Absolutely. I think the reason that is, I’m just going off of the same passion I have for why right for under Herbalife and push so hard for marriages to be reconciled and redeemed is because when you experienced that freedom in Christ, like when me and my husband got to a point where we felt saved in our relationship that stimulates so much desire for seeing other marriages succeed, and it’s just, it’s God’s heart, it’s God’s heart for marriage, and it’s being moved through people. And God will use those people to inspire transformation in you. And so when you know that the friends that we made did it for us, we’re trying to do it for other people. And you’ll you’ll, you know, for anyone listening right now, when you experience the freedom and transformation, when you draw close to God, and you have a God centered God honoring marriage, you will have that same desire, and you’ll want to reach out to other people who are suffering are going through a hard time, and you’ll be there for them. And then you’ll realize that you’re being God’s hands and feet, God’s utilizing you as a vessel for His glory. And it’s such a beautiful depiction of the church.

I just love that I completely agree. I mean, having been in really, really, really tough marriage, and then being able to see that, wow, God can actually use marriage to positively affect every aspect of your life, including our walk with Him, including the way you serve others, including the way you love others. I mean, I completely agree it is so true, it stimulates so much desire to want to see that happen for other people. I mean, another little anecdote, a friend of mine, and I were talking, she’s got a divorced mom. And she was telling me, and the mom is still single. And she was telling me she’s got in laws, however, her husband’s parents are married happily. And they come and they help with their grandkids all the time. And they are so supportive in all of this. And she said that she kind of considers her mother, just just not willing to give as much to the kids are willing to even babysit her these kinds of things. And it’s interesting. I mean, what I kind of took from that story was, wow, God is using this marriage of this mutual support and love and goodness to kind of help them be able to serve better. Whereas when you’re kind of not in that zone of having your own needs met in marriage, and having you know, your love tank filled, you don’t feel like this extra abundance of love that you want to serve others. So anyway, that was interesting to me to think that, you know, when I was in a bad place in my marriage, I was not able to help anyone. I was just desperate.

Yep, I totally agree with you like I was there to the you know, those really hard times that I was kind of like shunning God and my husband and isolating myself, there was no way I could walk beside another wife and say, just hang in there. There’s no way I could have done that, because I was hopeless. But you know, we talked about perspective earlier. And I feel like once we get that godly perspective, that’s when we’re able to see where other people are at. But if we allowed like discontentment and bitterness to be a part of our hearts, there’s no way we’re going to be able to fulfill or encourage or inspire otherwise. It’s just, it’s, it’s hard. Because our perspective is so focused, we’re focused on ourselves and not on what other people are going through and how we can help them.

Yeah, that’s so true. And I’d love to ask, we’ve talked about sexual intimacy a little bit. But if you could share kind of one tip or piece of advice that practically a wife could implement, even tonight, for example, what would you kind of share?

Well, just based off my background, I would say initiate. And just saying that and hearing those words, challenges me because there’s, I can already tell you right now, like, I wouldn’t, hearing those words myself, I wouldn’t want to initiate tonight, I just, it’s I don’t know why it’s so hard. For me even still, but I know God’s working on me. But when we step out of our comfort zone, to serve our husbands and to anoint them with our love, it’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. And I think that the reason it’s so challenging is because it takes the focus off of ourselves and puts it on them. And so that would be my my one encouragement is trying to initiate whether it’s a conversation, or handholding, or actually sex, you know, like, whatever it is that you feel strongly about. Pray and ask God to give you the courage and the strength to do it. And he will go, Yeah, I love

that. And I, and I think it’s a very key point that women need some support in, in figuring out even how to sometimes so I’ve actually written a couple blog posts about 10 ideas to initiate in the bedroom and how to make love more frequently. And yeah, just a couple of those things because there’s a lot of hard stuff that goes into it. But if you can just put in, for example, a text a little anticipation of, he’s going to be ready if you’re just honey, I can’t wait for you to come home and meet me in the bedroom. wink wink that, that takes off the pressure. You’ve already said it. It’s already out there when he comes home. You both are excited, you know? So. But yeah, I completely agree. And I love the insight of when you initiate, you’re more in the zone, because that’s absolutely true for me too. You know, sometimes when I’m not the initiator, it’s harder for me to kind of get present and be kind of in my body, you know, sometimes it might I agree. Right? Well, and especially when you have little kids, you’re like, I’m getting up threw up. Are you kidding me? I don’t feel sexy. Yeah, that’s awesome. Well, can I ask, then it kind of as we’re getting into the last, you know, thoughtful takeaways, due to the specific marriage that you’ve had, what opportunities have you had to serve God?

Well, the cool thing is, is in that marriage ministry, after a couple years of being at a table, me and my husband were able to step up and serve as facilitators. And then we got our own table. And when, you know, couples started coming in we both but strong friendships with those couples. And so when and that was that perspective, shift, you know, going from, I need help, too, how can I help. And that was just the beginning of God’s desire growing in us to see marriages reconciled, and, you know, turning to God, and then the blog happened, you know, my husband encouraged me to share my story. And it just grew into this entire ministry of, of encouraging wives daily. And I feel like I’m serving God daily through that, you know, being obedient to being transparent, praying, encouraging one another. And we love it, we can my husband has, I have unveiled, and he has has been revolution calm. And we just do what we can to live out what we truly believe about marriage and God’s design of it.

That’s awesome. And if you’re not already receiving her daily prayers, for your marriage and your husband, it’s, it’s really great. Because it’s, it’s very short, and it just gives you a second to, you know, flip through your email and be like, Okay, let me pray for my marriage day, if you haven’t already, take the time right there and pray. And it’s, it’s awesome. So I definitely suggest that and kind of a good segue is, you know, a book that you could recommend, for the listeners that are struggling in a similar way that you

have, I have a few if I can. The one of the first books that was ever given to me as a wife, for a resource was called no more headaches by Dr. Julie Slattery. And it completely revolutionized my perspective of sex in marriage. And it walks you through different people’s testimonies, but it also shares like the science behind our bodies, and what happens when we initiate sex or when we fulfill, you know, sexual intimacy and marriage, you know, what does it do to your body? And what does it do to your husband’s body that brings you closer together, and it really just challenged my my view of sex. And so I would highly recommend that my book comes out March 3, which is the unveiled wife, and it’s basically my marriage story and walking everyone through just those hard seasons of, of marriage in those first beginning years for me and my husband, you know, the sexual intimacy, but also all the amplified issues because of that, and that it also walks through the healing process, and what God did to heal my heart and transform me. And so those are two books right there that I feel really, really strongly about.

That’s awesome. And if you relate to Jen’s story, you know, this is definitely suggest reading her book, because it’s gonna give you exactly her insights into how this shift came about, you know, and if, if you’re in a similar stage, it’s just going to be amazing. So I love that and march 3 is coming right up. So that’s really exciting. Right

there. Yeah, it’s right around the corner. And the subtitle is embracing intimacy with God and your husband. And I wanted people to see that and hopefully, own it, you know, like, like, I want them to truly be able to get to a place where they can embrace intimacy with God and their husband, because I remember being in a place where that was too hard to even fathom. And so hopefully, it gives people some encouragement there that, that they can do that.

Yeah, that’s awesome. So my last question for you, before we wrap up, is if you could go back to your first year of marriage and sit yourself down. What is one good piece of advice that you would give Jen?

I think I would sit down and say you’re going to make it just to give that hope of for tomorrow, you know, and I would also tell myself, and I know this is gonna sound strange, but tell myself to consider my health and how the environment really affects my body. What I what I put into my mouth, you know, to eat and drink and then what I put on my skin because everything are around us, affects our bodies, whether we know it or not. And that was one of the huge contributors to why me and my husband couldn’t have sex, there was an ingredient that I was sensitive to that basically was just hindering my body from working naturally, the right way. And I talked about this in my book, I know, and I know, it sounds strange, but I would tell myself to consider it because back then, you know, in that first year of marriage, I was too wound up emotionally, to even consider that it could be something else that was affecting me. You know, for some people, it might be birth control that’s affecting you, for some people, you might be allergic to dairy for other people. And I’m not saying that these things will, will be a cure for you, but they could help. And, and so I would tell myself to consider how the environment affects our bodies, I think the enemy has done a really great job of, you know, infiltrating our environment. And sometimes when we’re struggling in our marriage, and we’re yelling at each other, and we’re in that really chaotic, intense moment of hatred for one another. It’s actually because we have an addiction to sugar, and we’re not getting our fill or, or shampoo that maybe might be having an ingredient in it that doesn’t work well with our bodies. And so I know that sounds strange, but that’s what I would tell myself.

Yeah, I’m so glad you mentioned it, because, yeah, I didn’t, I would not have thought of that. That’s really amazing. Do you mind sharing what what the ingredient was or like, what? Yeah,

so the only thing the only product I had been using consistently for like five or six years at that point was a face wash. And it wasn’t until our fourth year of marriage that God gave my husband a revelation about this. And there was he went through all the ingredients in the facewash. And there was one called parabens there was about four or five in this facewash methyl turban, ethyl paraben, butyl paraben. And what it is, is we did some research on online. And they are, they’re used as preservatives, but they’re also considered endocrine disrupters. And your endocrine system is what helps your body naturally function, four different things, but one of them is your reproductive system. And so we drew from that, just from our own research that these parabens were mimicking my estrogen and blocking estrogen from my body, and I was too dry to experience sex in a good way. So it was a lot of feeling of burning and tearing and I took, I told my husband, I didn’t want to stop the face wash because I was so terrified of having acne. And he challenged me and said, I’d rather have a wife with acne than to not ever experience sex with you. And I said, Okay, so after, after three days of avoiding it, my body felt different. It started self lubricating again. And then after about a week, after about a week, we experienced the best sex of our life. And I’m not kidding you. It was It was the strangest thing, but I felt like God truly gave us that to show us that we could be healed that that there was healing for us. And that was one stimulation for why we we wanted to start the blog was to share this information. Because I think like I said earlier, the enemy has done such a great job of infiltrating our environment. And people don’t know, people just don’t know that. There’s things in, you know, facewash, or shampoos and conditioners, or lotions, and our skin just soaks it up, and starts reacting and responding to our bodies. And we have no clue. So I know it’s such a strange thing. And I don’t know if anybody else is as sensitive to them as I am. But we have found a lot of companies and corporations standing up against parabens, you’ll notice like on certain cosmetics. Yeah, it’s paraben free. And I think that there’s gonna be a lot more things coming out about parabens in the next, you know, decade. Hopefully, I’m hoping I’m praying for it.

Wow, that’s, that’s pretty incredible. I’m so grateful. You shared that. Thank you. Because who knows? I mean, who knows how many others have are dealing with the exact same thing? And it’s just stupid facewash I mean, my gosh,

I know. I know. Wow, I’ve been turbine free now for like four years, and it hasn’t changed. I mean, it’s changed my body in a good way. But it hasn’t stopped my daily routines or made it inconvenient for me. I’ve just found products that I can use now that work better with my body. And since then, me and my husband have had a great sex life. So someone can tell me like, you know, you’re crazy for thinking his parabens, but for me it was too. It was too real and too awesome not to share about. Yes, and I do mention it in my book. I do mention it in my book. Can I give some more in depth detail on that? I love that. Well,

thank you so much. This has been awesome. Well, so we’re, well, we talked about a little bit, but where can people connect with you online?

Oh, cool. So unbilled is where you can go to read my blog and all the resources that I provide for wives unveiled wife, is where you can get your copy of the unveiled wife, which comm You can preorder it now or get it out? When it comes out March 3. And then I’m pretty much on every social media, outlet, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and it’s just at unveiled wife. So I would love for you guys to follow me, I engage most on Facebook and Instagram. But I just I’m constantly pouring out resources to all of those.

Yeah, it is really true. She really does pour out resources. And she’s got an amazing community of wives that encourage each other and help each other. So definitely check that out. And I’m really excited to get your book when it comes out March 3. So thank you so much, Jen, this has just been incredible. Thank you for sharing your heart so openly and being so vulnerable.

Well, thank you so much for the opportunity to share. And I’m just, I just want everyone listening right now to know that I care about your marriage. And you’ll you’ll hear that through what I write. But I am praying for you and praying that you are reconciled in your marriage that you and your husband are feeling like a team and that you guys just had marital bliss. We’ll talk to you soon then Jen. Thank you. Thank you. Bye.

Wow, what an awesome interview with Jen. It’s just incredible. Her story that even the most difficult and challenging aspects of their marriage ends up being the very thing that God uses to bring so much healing and help to so many others. I’m going to chat a little bit more about her book in just a minute. But I wanted to mention, if you are struggling with how to start things off in the bedroom, I want to recommend a couple of free resources, something called the eight secrets of staying present in the bedroom. And then also an article about how to work through anything that’s holding you back from frequent lovemaking. So I think it’s going to be really helpful. And I have them all linked up to delight your Secondly, if you haven’t checked out any of the other episodes yet, there’s some really great ones, including how a man really feels about sex, and also how one marriage kicked porn for good. So there’s a bunch of really great episodes. So you can find that either at iTunes, just search to let your marriage and you can subscribe there, or you can go to delight your marriage calm, and just click on podcasts. They’re all linked up there. So to give you a little bit of insight into the unveiled wife, again, Jen, let me read the book beforehand, which was wonderful. And it’s interesting, because Jen is gorgeous. You know, you see your picture. She’s beautiful. She’s eloquent. You heard her speak. She’s an amazing writer. You know, it’s easy to see her online with all this success and fame and think, while she was probably born with a silver spoon in her mouth, I can’t relate to her. But when I read her book, you’ll be surprised. It’s not exactly what you’d expect. They’ve got sexual issues. They’ve got jealousy issues, they’ve got pride issues, they’ve got financial issues, just like me, just like us. That’s what we are as humans. And yet, we often don’t admit to those things. But Jen is so brave, to share the truth of what’s in her heart. And I wanted to share one small story from the book, which I thought was pretty great and kind of illustrates, again, what you wouldn’t expect her to be willing to share. So at one point, Jen is with Erin, and they’ve got her errands, her husband, and they’ve got all their belongings in their car, because they’re actually homeless at that point. And they have to ask Aaron’s mom for money, just to keep the car running. And then Jen says that we prayed to God, that he would help us find a place to call home. And I’m just going to pick up were reading just a little bit. Praying may have been the righteous thing to do. And I’m glad we did. However, it was accompanied by a selfish and prideful attitude fueled by the tensions of our circumstances. God, is this how you take care of the ones who serve you and selfishly, we aren’t asking for a mansion here. Why would my husband bring us across the United States with no way to provide for us? Can I even trust him? Thought after thought race through my mind questioning why we were homeless when we were trying hard to serve God. Besides the bags of clothes in our car, we had nothing to our name. Although we had made the decision together to become missionaries. Knowing full well the sacrifices required. I was frustrated and found a way to blame my husband for our hardships in a time when we needed to support Other than most, I furiously kicked down the foundation of our relationship. So a little insight into Jen’s heart. I mean, basically, that’s what she does. She goes through their life story, which is an incredible story from their hardship, their pain, the difficulties, the places, they messed up, the cool adventures they’ve had. And she talks a lot about what was going on inside of her. While that was happening, and again, you you kind of want as the good Christian wife to be like, Well, we were homeless, and then we prayed. And then God came through, we always trusted. And yet, Jenna, so ANA, she’s like, You know what? No, I was not, I didn’t have that kind of faith. Instead, I accused my husband for not providing for us when those things were happening. And that is what happens in real life. I mean, she’s real in here. And you can tell she’s working through her heart stuff, and she’s not afraid to be honest with you. So, again, a great story, I think, I think it’s going to really move and impact you if you get a chance to, to pick it up. And you can find that at delight your Really take the time to go and get it. It’s it’s an amazing book, and you’re going to learn a lot just through Jen’s experience and wisdom along the way. Our next episode is actually coming out on Tuesday morning. So if you’ve enjoyed this, I think you’re going to enjoy the next one as well. And don’t forget that God is going to use the very struggles that you’re going through maybe even right now, to really help other people in the future. Don’t give up hope. He’s with you. God bless you. Goodbye.

Thanks for listening. Stop by delight your to check out all the show notes as well as many more resources and articles. Until next time, live with love, wisdom impassion