Delight Your Marriage | Christian Marriage Transformation
God is using you so much. I don’t even think you can begin to know the powerhouse and vessel you are for the kingdom!
This podcast has changed my view of things in so many ways. I am a husband and I started listening bc I was looking for ways to better my marriage and to live the marriage I have always dreamed of.
I listened to a three part series about being peaceful and laid back. As I listened to her husband talk I fell to my knees in tears. I have been teaching men for a long time, and have been thirsting for someone to look up to. Yes, it’s Jesus.
We went from a virtually sexless marriage to at least twice a week of truly enthusiastic lovemaking.
My husband and I have been so blessed by your content and unique way of teaching wives to love themselves and love their husbands.
that I know how to try and nothing worked. The only thing that has made a difference is listening to Belahs podcasts and getting a little more understanding about my wife
Your podcast was the very first marriage/relationship podcast we ever listened to, and was absolutely critical in us taking the first steps on our road to improvement
if there was anything he would like to change in our marriage, or maybe anything I could be doing better. His answer was “Well honey, if you asked the same question
Connection was back in short order… and we didn’t just have sex, WE MADE LOVE!!
She was more aggressive than I had ever seen in the past and I thanked her for it. She thanked me in return for making sex so good that she now really wanted more of it.
Like some of the listeners on the podcast said – it is unbelievable to hear someone “at last” understanding what men really want.
This sounds dramatic but I feel like this podcast is life changing for our marriages. Belah comes along side us in the most encouraging, open and honest way. Belah gently
The DYM podcast covers a great spectrum of marriage topics, all from a Biblical perspective. Belah really seams to have an understanding of the needs and desires of a husband